Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Most of our flight ticket fares, hotels, prepaid car rentals, holiday packages, and service fees are non-refundable after 24 hours. You can contact us at our customer service office before your travel day, for your trip security insurance is refundable within 10 days of buying it. Please remember, a cancellation can be rendered only through the internet. We accept refunds only in the following cases

  • Only if the airlines fare rules provides for cancellation and refunds
  • If you are not a “no-show”, as “no show” bookings are not eligible for any waiver from suppliers.
  • When Truevoyage can secure a waiver from the suppliers to process cancellation and refund requests.

We are not sure of the number of days this requested refund procedure will take to process. All refund requests will be handled in a logical order. An email notice is sent to you about the receipt of your cancellation request after you submit your cancellation request to our customer service representative. You are not automatically eligible for a refund if you get this notification. This email notification is just an acceptance of your request and will provide you with a tracking number. We will contact and work with the suppliers like airlines, hotels, and car-rental companies to create a waiver based on the airline and other supplier regulations and notify you about the supplier’s decision once we receive your letter.

In most cases, a tax is levied by all suppliers or manufacturers when you request a refund. From the time, you generate a request and send it to us until you receive credit on your statement. The entire process could take 60 – 90 days. Apart from the refund penalties imposed by the airlines and other providers, Truevoyage will also charge a post-ticketing services fee, if applicable.

If the provider doesn’t process the refund, we will refund you the post-ticketing service fees associated with your agent-assisted refund order but not the booking fees related to the initial travel reservation or booking.